Accepting The Mess: Twin Flame Healing

When you ask the Universe for your Twin Flame, you are essentially calling in every facet of your being, including the aspects that still require healing. Consequently, self-acceptance plays a pivotal role in receiving True Love on your Twin Flame Journey.

During my own healing journey this week, I became acutely aware of specific situations I had been evading because they seemed complicated and discomforting to confront. This avoidance mirrored my reluctance to confront certain facets of myself that I deemed "messy." I was not wholeheartedly embracing every aspect of myself.

I came to realize that I had been holding onto the belief that my mistakes rendered me "undivine.” Part of my consciousness sought to escape this supposed "reality" about myself. However, upon closer examination, I recognized that these so-called "mistakes" were, in truth, mere miscommunications between myself and the Divine. They were entirely forgivable because nothing possesses the capacity to truly tarnish love or the Divine. Mistakes hurt in separation but they do not hurt in Love. 

Hence to heal, where I had been evading the perceived "mess" within myself, was, in reality, a process of receiving and honoring my inherent divinity. I consciously chose to exist in perfect unity and communion with my divinity.

Whatever aspects of yourself you might be avoiding, it is entirely safe to confront them openly. Take a long look at them. You will unveil your divinity because you inherently are love – nothing less, nothing more. It is entirely safe to embrace and accept all of yourself wherever you are at right now. By doing so, you unlock the truth about the love within yourself and, consequently, the love within your Twin Flame Union.


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Healing Attachments to Separation