Twin Flame Ascension Coaching

Your Ascension Coach holds the flashlight, guiding you, while you dive in, healing your core blocks to permanent Harmonious Union and building your Heaven on Earth.

Twin Flame Ascension Coaching - Guiding Twin Flames Home

  • Introductory Session - 30 Minutes - $30

    Begin Your Journey!

    Receive Your Introduction to The Mirror Exercise and Get Your Questions Answered

    Perfect If You Are New And Looking To Dip Your Toe Into The Mirror Exercise and Learn More

  • Individual Coaching Session (1) - 60 Minutes - $60

    Powerful, Personal Support!

    Spend a Full Hour Session Focused on Deep Healing of Your Blocks to Harmonious Twin Flame Union

    Perfect For Healing Specific Twin Flame Blocks As They Arise.

  • Group Coaching - 60 Minutes - $66/ 4 weeks

    Make Friends, Receive Support, Heal With The Collective!

    Join Tuesday Group Coaching Classes Offered At
    11:00 PM EDT/8:00PM MST
    Coaching Subscription Renews Every Four Weeks.

    Perfect For Twin Flames Committed to Their Healing Journey and Looking to Make Connections!

  • Weekly Coaching Subscription - $210/Four Weeks

    Transform Your Twin Flame Journey With Regular, Sustainable Commitment To Your Inner Work

    Regular Support Allows You To Go To The Deepest Places Of Your Consciousness, Creating A Safe Space to Heal The Core Wounds of Separation Consciousness.

    Perfect For Twin Flames Committed To Achieving Harmonious Union And Building Their Dream Life Together

  • Combine: Group and Individual - $160/Four Weeks

    Desire The Best Of Two Worlds?

    - A Weekly Group Coaching Subscription
    - 2 Individual Coaching Sessions
    Every Four Weeks!

    This is Perfect For Twin Flames Who Want The Individual Attention Of One-on-One Coaching And The Community Of Group Coaching.

  • Individual Coaching Sessions (4-pack) - $220

    Powerful, Highly Concentrated, Individual Support

    4 - 60 Minute Sessions of Deep Healing. Commit to Your Twin Flame Journey

    Perfect for Twin Flames Scheduling Bi-weekly