Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

15 Minutes Transforms Everything

Picture of Certified Twin Flame Ascension Coach Susie Puga smiling in front of a green leafy background

It’s Good To Meet You!

Hello There

Wherever you found me….Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, The Medium, etc….. I am truly glad you did. All of my Twin Flame content, approach, healing, success, etc is directly sourced from a little process called the Mirror Exercise and the Teachings of Union.

I want to share that no matter where you are on your Twin Flame journey, you deserve to have complete harmony, fulfillment, and peace on your Twin Flame Journey. You deserve to be in Harmonious Union with your Twin Flame. I believe this with my whole being and have seen proof of it. 
I have lived through false Twin Flames (yes plural), third party situations, religious and sexual healing, life purpose healing, inner child healing, and so much more. Wherever you are, no judgement - it’s safe to be where you are, appreciate where you are, and desire forward movement.

What Happens In Your Consultation?

  • It's About You

    Our consultation’s goal is to find out about you and determine if….possibly….there is some help you can receive here on your journey. You get to share about your Twin Flame Journey! Finally! 

  • Come as You Are

    You don’t need to do any homework, but if you’re feeling intrigued about diving deeper — I recommend taking this fun little Twin Flame Test to learn more about yourself and current approach to your Union.

  • Best Fit

    By the end of your consultation we will find the best fitting pathway for support and success for your Twin Flame Journey!

After I see you scheduled, you will receive a zoom link. Feel free to email me @ to request an alternative to zoom if needed.

Love Always Wins