Are you beating yourself up too much? That’s not for you.

Have you ever beaten yourself up about the past? Have you ever felt you had to be perfect, kept pushing to get better, and felt disappointed when something fell through? 

For a long time, I spent too much time focusing on feeling bad about the upsets I was moving through. I felt bad when I recognized a pattern of ego, resentment, or any lack of love. And the reason was that I was holding myself to a standard of unattainable perfection.

But isn’t everyone divinely perfect? Yes as you are. The standard becomes unattainable when you push yourself to be anything other than you are. Things get better and you feel better when you accept, unconditionally love, and appreciate yourself as you are. 

Life doesn’t change and the results don’t happen while you occupy yourself by feeling bad about who are, where you are, and what you’ve done. Life changes…positively….as you embrace love in yourself.

So give yourself grace, give yourself infinite grace as you uncover and move with the cycles of your Twin Flame Ascension Journey. As long as you choose to persist in love, you are doing it right. <3 


Boundaries With Ego


Back in Time on My Journey: Reading “Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover” and the Path Forward