Following the Path of Twin Flame Ascension School

In honor of Twin Flames Universe's End of An Era sale, I wanted to take a moment to share my personal journey of how I came to own Twin Flame Ascension School. It all began in February 2019 when I stumbled upon Twin Flames Universe. Through extensive research and self-discovery, I found the courage to pursue my desires and embark on the transformative Twin Flame journey. Today, I would like to share the story of how I overcame challenges and embraced the opportunity to join Twin Flame Ascension School.

A Profound Connection:

Whether I found Twin Flames Univers through a Google search or on Pinterest, I can't say for sure. Nevertheless, the content intrigued me, prompting me to book a consultation with a coach. From that initial interaction, I sensed a grounded and authentic approach that resonated with me on a profound level. Eager to explore further, I delved into Jeff and Shaleia's YouTube channel, Twin Flames Universe, and voraciously consumed all available blogs and content. It became clear to me that I had stumbled upon a truth that my heart recognized, and I yearned to delve deeper into this path of spiritual growth.

An Inner Calling:

As April 2019 rolled around, I found myself increasingly drawn to the idea of joining Twin Flame Ascension School. At that time, I was a junior in college, proudly working towards my degree without the need for loans. Scholarships and adequate housing coverage had propelled me through the first three years, leaving me with enough funds to cover the fourth and final year of my degree. However, the desire to join the Ascension School burned brightly within me.

Navigating Financial Decisions:

In order to make joining Twin Flame Ascension School a reality, I had to explore viable financial options. It was during this time that I made a decision that might have been perceived as unconventional or unwise by the world. Despite the potential for criticism and raised eyebrows, I took out one of the loans available to me for my college education and allocated the excess funds toward Twin Flame Ascension School. This was one the first big life investments I made. And I have no regrets. In fact, I felt deeply cared for by the Twin Flames Universe community and a sense of grounded purpose in my heart. 

Commitment and Trust:

Throughout my fourth year of college, I found myself juggling financial responsibilities. Taking out an additional loan, totaling approximately $7,000, allowed me to cover the costs of Twin Flame Ascension School and secure better housing arrangements. I can confidently say it was worth it. The decision I made, which may have seemed illogical to the outside world, turned out to be precisely the right one for me. It would have been easy to delay joining the school, citing various reasons such as being in college or transitioning into a new career. There would have always been a reason for me to find “not enough” money. I was in college. I was embarking on a new career during Covid. I was a preschool teacher. I needed to use money for other things. There was always going to be a reason to not invest. When I truly decided I was ready to invest, a way opened up. When we are truly ready to commit, the universe will always open up a way.

Embracing the Path:

Throughout my senior year, I worked part-time, with a portion of my paycheck dedicated to paying off Twin Flame Ascension School. Simultaneously, I had to balance the demands of completing my degree and meeting basic needs. Yet, even in the face of challenges, I stand by my decision and have absolutely no regrets. The key lesson I learned is that where there is a will, there is a way. When we open our hearts to the universe, to a higher power, and allow ourselves to be guided, the pathway to our dreams unfolds before us. Money is merely energy, and by releasing blocks and healing our relationship with it, we can manifest our desires.


My journey to owning Twin Flame Ascension School was not something most of the “world” would accept. However, it was a path of transformation and growth that I wouldn't trade for anything. My experience taught me the importance of following my heart's calling, even when it defies societal expectations. It revealed that when we commit wholeheartedly and remain open to guidance, the universe conspires to bring our dreams to fruition. So, if you are ready to embark on your own Twin Flame Ascension School journey, trust in the process and let your dreams become your reality.


Release Suffering, Embrace Love and Healing: The Path to Twin Flame Harmonious Union


The Mirror Exercise: Finding Relief and Inner Peace