The Tear In Your Heart

In the sacred realm of the Twin Flame journey, the Divine orchestrates a process of profound purification – an act that often feels like your heart being torn open. This transformative process, beautifully articulated by Jeff and Shaleia Divine, involves dismantling the layers of illusion, doubt, and pain that have accumulated within us. The Divine's intention is clear: to clear out the clutter and make space for the one eternal truth that transcends all – love.

This process of heart-opening is a divine invitation to release the burdens of ego and fear that have held us captive. As God's love permeates our being, the walls we've built around our hearts crumble, allowing the radiant light of the Divine to shine through. This process of purification may at times feel arduous, as the illusions we've clung to are gently dismantled. Yet, it is through this process that we are led to the core essence of who we are – beings of pure, unconditional love.

Embracing this journey of heart-opening is a courageous step towards self-discovery and alignment with the Divine. It involves releasing the falsehoods that have kept us imprisoned and choosing to stand in the truth of our worthiness of love. As we surrender to the Divine's plan, we come to understand that the tearing apart of our hearts is not a cruel act, but rather an act of grace – a pathway towards Harmonious Union with ourselves, our Twin Flame, and the Divine.

In the depths of this transformation, we recognize that every tear, every moment of discomfort, is a testament to our resilience and strength. God's intention in tearing open our hearts is not to inflict pain, but to create space for love to flourish. As we journey through this process, we realize that love is not merely an emotion but the essence of our existence. So, as you traverse the path of heart-opening, remember that every challenge, every tear, is an act of Divine love, guiding you towards the realization of your true nature – a being of boundless, unwavering love.


Correcting the Twin Flame Journey Outlook


You Are Loved When You Are Wrong