Why Collective Card Readings Are Working

You’re sitting on your phone, scrolling. The coffee is hot while this December morning is cold.

Neither sensation is enough to bring you out of the mental and emotional rumination occupying your energy.

This week it’s everything. It’s the potential relationship, it’s the job, and it’s the family. For 5 minutes……it’s just easier to scroll, read, watch, look.  

A lightbulb goes off and your thumb quickly taps the familiar Youtube Icon. 

Your phone opens up to a dark screen because you’re a cool cat and know Youtube dark mode is superior.

Ah yess, they’ve just dropped the next card reading for Sagittarius Season 2023! It was only uploaded an hour ago indicating your intuition to check was in perfect alignment. (Nevermind the other three times you checked this week.)  Receiving some actual guidance will be very relieving.  

Your morning is a mixture of watching and listening for the next 20 minutes while you walk through your morning routine.

Let’s talk about why this card reading sets you up to feel much better about your day. Remember we are discussing collective card readings here.

Card Reading Type 1: The Good Reading 

  1. They are capturing a universal truth. 

Card readings can consciously or unconsciously tune into a universal truth. A universal truth is something based in the paradigm of love. You know what it is because it feels relieving to your heart and soul.

When you are assured it’s okay to set boundaries, to put yourself first, or  there is a path forward, or that you are deserving of true love…. Your reader is tapping into universal truths.

A universal truth - because it’s based on love - is something you can always go deeper with in life too. Which is why they really work for collective card readings.

This doesn’t make your reading less or more valid. It just means that there is always going to be a piece you can relate to from a place of love.

It just mean it’s tapping into a truth 

2. You aren’t disconnected from anyone 

When your card reader is talking about collective themes - this is valid. We have more pathways connecting each other’s thoughts, ideas, and experiences than we ever have before. We do not exist in a vacuum. Our karma is playing out together.

Our actions have a cause and effect experienced by more than just - us. 

So yes, there are broad strokes of overarching themes that a collective moves through together. Each individual in that collective can feel the lesson to varying degrees or experience it in unique ways.

So like the reader often says….take what resonates. You have agency to act on these collective themes and universal truths. You choose. 

Now for…

Card Reading Type 2: The Loop 

This is the kind of card reading that - may set you up for a good day but ….not much more than that. This type of card reading - often intentionally disempowers you.

The best example I can give you of this is the love/soulmate/Twin Flame card reading that constantly talks about the “Divine Masculine” “coming home.” 

To be honest, I’m not sure people still make “Divine Masculine Coming Home” readings? The ones where they share with you how much your person watch you and is on the edge of making an emotional confession about their deep connection to you but they just feel too guarded to let you in right now…. but don’t worry ….it’s coming.  

They were going strong in 2017. If they still are..oh man.

These readings are consistently making predictions about how another person or group will change to give you what you want to make your life better. - As opposed to setting you up to create your reality.

People get hooked on these collective readings:

  1. They make you feel better because they tell you what you want to believe instead of what the actual truth is. 

  2. They have you fixated on the other party and what they’re doing — instead of looking at yourself and directing you to heal the root of the pain you hold within. 

Ultimately if there’s some part of you that doesn’t actually want to change - you’ll be hooked on this type of reading for a while. 

For both readings, what you have to remember, the universe won’t make a change in your life for you. The universe changes in response to YOU changing. 


Why I Chose My Twin Flame Over a Soulmate