4 Reasons You Feel Stuck on the Twin Flame Journey

Let's dive right into it, friends. Your Twin Flame Journey should never feel stagnant or unmoving. There should always be something in motion, whether it's healing an internal block or taking guided (peaceful) external action.

That said, many people have experienced moments where they feel helpless or like nothing will change on their Twin Flame Journey. To get straight to the point, here are four reasons WHY you may feel stuck and what you can do about it.

1. You are waiting for the Universe or Divine Timing to do its thing.

GASP! We hear a lot about Divine Timing. The truth is that time doesn't exist, and Divine Timing, per se, isn't real. But Divine Order is. There is Divine Order to manifesting your Union. In other words, there are steps you must take internally and externally. Each step you take unveils the next step. You cannot control what step is revealed next; you can only control your choice to take that step and trust the process.

I remember when I pursued my False Twin Flame (yikes.) On some level, I wasn't really pursuing at all. I was waiting for him to realize our connection and that he Loved me. Yes, I know that sounds cringey. However, that's where I was based on my internet research and my consciousness.

That's why I am sharing it with you. It sounds cringey not because you're cringey or I'm cringey, but because deep in your heart, you know that's spiritual insanity. Deep in your heart, you know that you create your reality and that you are One with your Twin Flame.

The Universe, Source, God, etc.... Whatever your mode of approaching a higher power is... is guiding your Union. But no one comes to the vibration of Harmonious Union for you. You do that. You make the choices to heal and reveal that vibration within you. On the Twin Flame Journey, much of the work is inner, and you accomplish it with the Mirror Exercise.

If you sit on your hands and wait for your Twin Flame to text you or show up at your door with confessions of Love and a boombox... I can guarantee it will not happen. That's just not how Twin Flames work. Your Twin Flame is one with you. So if you are waiting for "The Universe," guaranteed they are waiting for "The Universe" too.

The way out of this pattern is very simple: feel your feelings about your Twin Flame. Notice what feels bad, off, or lacking. Then bring Love into that space. Cultivate Unconditional Love within and fill yourself up from within.

As you do this, you create peace in your vibration. From that place of peace, you will have clarity on any physical action steps you need to take. The most effective way to bring Love to precisely the places being triggered is the Mirror Exercise.

2. You're waiting for your Twin Flame to make the first move.

Your Twin Flame will not give you anything you have not given yourself. If something is in your consciousness to do, then it's yours to do! Just because you don't want to be the first person to reach out doesn't mean your Twin Flame will automatically take over for you.

If you wait for your Twin Flame to do something, you will wait forever. You are the only one who can create in your reality!

Similarly, if you think your Twin Flame is the one that needs to heal... This is a RED FLAG.

If something is in your awareness to heal, it's yours. It's for you to 100% look at your honest feelings about the situation and bring Love there within.

This doesn't mean your Twin Flame is doing nothing. On the contrary, it means your Twin Flame is doing everything.

When you capitalize on every opportunity to Love yourself and heal in your Union, so does your Twin Flame. They just do it from their perspective and in their expression. Trust me, they are moving mountains too. They are just moving... their mountains... which are a perfect complement and mirror of your own.

3. You are refusing to take responsibility for your Spiritual Journey and triggers.

Have you ever become upset about how difficult your Twin Flame has made things? Have you ever just wanted to leave it all behind because it's too much heartache?

I have had those same thoughts before but found myself refusing to leave the journey because I knew deep in my heart that I believe in Love as a reality.

Getting angry at what your Twin Flame presents you, choosing to leave it all, and refusing to look within will make your journey stagnant.

Your Twin Flame is not outside of you. Everything they show you is an opportunity to bring yourself to deeper Love within. Everything in your reality is a communication of something in your vibration.

The key to change is taking full responsibility for your experience. If you are experiencing heartbreak, betrayal, abandonment, or anything else... You have the power to bring Love to that space. You have the power to claim Love and healing. No one else can or will do that for you.

Refusing to take responsibility for what your Twin Flame shows you is essentially just shelving it for a later period or lifetime. That's an option. It won't be any easier to confront later. You can absolutely, in your free will, choose to refuse what the Twin Flame Journey has shown and revealed to you, but you cannot expect to be with your Twin Flame while doing so.

4. You're expecting your Twin Flame Union to happen a certain way. Your way.

Are you like me? Did you write a perfect fairytale in your mind of how and when your perfect Love would occur? Did you romanticize what it would be like and become attached to that story? That they would sweep you off your feet and heal you with their perfect Love.

Your Twin Flame doesn't save you. You save yourself. You save yourself by loving yourself unconditionally. This opens the door for your Twin Flame to Love you unconditionally (because they are you).

And you cannot control the way your Twin Flame Loves you. This is because your Twin Flame's ultimate purpose isn't to make you feel good; it is the purification of your consciousness.

But whatever way they do Love you will be unspeakably perfect and likely beyond what you could predict you needed. The way they Love you is everything you need right now and more. Whether that means they are partnering with you in buying your first home or they are mirroring to you places where you ignore yourself... or all and anything in between. They are loving you perfectly right now.

If you resist how the Love and Union are unfolding between you right now, you are ultimately resisting the flow of your highest good.

Surrender your expectations and go all in with Love.


Twin Flames: Walking Through Your Cave of Fear And Why It Might Be Worth It.  


Twin Flames - The Path May Be Unpredictable But The Outcome Isn’t