Twin Flames - The Path May Be Unpredictable But The Outcome Isn’t

Similar to life, you cannot predict how your Twin Flame Journey will unfold. At the end of the day, you know the outcome: Love always wins. If you don't believe that Love always wins, then the Twin Flame journey can become quite painful. At some point, you must choose to live in Love and cultivate a loving reality rather than one of separation and misery. Love always wins, which means you will be with your Twin Flame in Harmonious Twin Flame Union. Together, you will build a life filled with purpose, peace, and passion. This is your inevitable outcome. 

The path to this union, however, is neither linear nor predictable. As you walk your Twin Flame Journey, you will encounter hidden places within yourself that you had numbed out, resisted, or weren't ready to fully feel. You'll be asked to heal these places, and if you choose compassion in your heart, the healing will always occur in the most compassionate way.

Yet, because you are not the all-knowing Source, God, or Universe—whatever name you prefer—you cannot be certain of how it will unfold. You also are not aware of all the needs to be healed right now because it’s not necessarily compassionate to feel every place within you out of alignment with Love at once.

There are things you don’t know, path you will encounter, and that’s okay. You are divinely guided and perfectly safe all the way. It only feels bad when you try to control it.

Therefore, it's not useful or even reasonable to be attached to a specific vision of the journey.

It's important to release attachment and trust the process of Love. By loving yourself and showing up for yourself every day, that is enough—truly enough. And why would you want to predict every detail of your Twin Flame Journey? That would be boring, and you would miss the space to be delighted by the Divine surprises awaiting you. If you find yourself upset about the unpredictability, I can guarantee that your union will happen in a way you don't expect.

The desire for control, to have every little piece under control, to know exactly what will happen, or to predict how and when your Twin Flame will fall in Love with you and be in a relationship with you—that is control. Control pushes away what you desire, and it is a heavy energy that prevents you from simply existing as you are. There is immense joy and peace in just existing as you are and trusting that joy is within you and is coming to you just as you are.

So, you're on the Twin Flame Journey, committed to it, and now you must embrace the element of the unknown. Walk the path without always knowing what will appear along the way. Trust the process. Embrace it, and you will accelerate your journey by releasing resistance to what arises on your path. Instead of being upset about new obstacles within you to Love, view them as opportunities to dive deeper into Love.

It's a wonderful way to be romanced in this lifetime—to be aware of the Twin Flame journey, to have the door opened to cultivating pristine, Unconditional Love within yourself. This is what the Twin Flame Journey is truly about—an opportunity and a gift. But you can't control the gift, and you can't control how the Divine continues to bestow it upon you. So, humble yourself to the process in your heart, Love yourself through it, and Love the process itself of your Twin Flame Journey.


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