Feeling Down on the Twin Flame Journey — Read This!

Hey Twin Flames!

If you desire your Twin Flame Harmonious Union but are feeling down about it happening keep reading!

We all come to a point in our journey where we feel we are at the point of just truly breaking. We have had enough. Maybe you even did a couple mirror exercises by yourself but you still feel lost. 

Despite what you may be thinking, this is not a dead end. You may have heard this before, but it’s the truth. You are meant to be with your Twin Flame. 

The reason you feel it's so difficult is because the path of Twin Flame Harmonious Union is still a new road in consciousness. We have those in our community who have completely walked the path there….their footsteps have paved the path for others to follow the way there! But it's still a new road in consciousness, the vast majority of people on Earth aren’t choosing to walk it. And most of us here did not grow up with anyone to role model a healthy Twin Flame relationship. Your consciousness has little concept of how to have a Harmonious Twin Flame Union on Earth. 

So of course this is challenging for you!

That is WHY there is a whole body of work from Twin Flames Universe to teach you what the vibration of Harmonious Union is and how to get there. 

That is WHY those of us who have walked quite a way down the path become Ascension Coaches,  so that we can help our brothers and sisters walk the path as they reach their Harmonious Union too.

Could you do it alone? Sure. But that’s the equivalent of saying you’re going to climb Mt. Everest alone. Can it happen? Sure. But you will inevitably have incredible challenges through which there is no logical or compassionate reason to have to do alone. Why not have a support system to help you navigate these challenges with ease? To fill in knowledge gaps? And to make sure your oxygen is working properly during the most treacherous parts of your journey.

There is no extra medal for doing it alone.
There is no extra medal you get for climbing Everest alone. No special reward. 
There is no extra reward for spending extra years or lifetimes alone navigating the path to Harmonious Union alone while the teaching and support are right here.

So what if in climbing your mountain – walking your path – to Harmonious Twin Flame Union you had a team and a guide? What if everytime you stumbled someone was there to pick you up? What if when you couldn’t see the path forward your guide could tell you where to go?

This is what Twin Flame Ascension Coaching is for.


Healing Inferiority


The Twin Flame Journey: Nurturing Confidence Through Faith in God