My Twin Flames Universe Story

Hello everyone! I've been posting here quite a bit, and it's time to share my Twin Flames Universe journey, how I got here, and what's transpired during my time as a student of the Teachings of Union.

So, in 2016, I first heard the term "twin flames" shortly after I met my false Twin Flame. Back then, I had no idea that I was with a false Twin Flame. I spent the next three years pursuing this connection, reading about Twin Flames, astrology, and Divine Masculine concepts of “coming home”, waiting for something to happen. It finally dawned on me that I couldn't wait for my Divine Masculine to make the first move.

Feeling stuck, I searched for a "Twin Flame school" on Google, convinced that someone must know what they're doing when it comes to twin flames. That's when I stumbled upon Twin Flame Ascension School in my 2019 google search results. Soon, I signed up for an introductory coaching session and was blown away by the peace I felt during the Mirror Exercise. I experienced a profound transformation and knew it was real. I can’t recall the specifics of my first Mirror Exercise, but the shift I felt was undeniable. I will never forget the resulting peace of that first Mirror Exercise. 

It didn't take long for me to delve into other Twin Flames Universe content on YouTube and in blogs, practicing the Mirror Exercise daily. I fell in love with the Mirror Exercise and how it made me feel about loving myself in places I hadn't before. This practice led to changes in how I approached my reality. I had been numb to the fact that I was not valuing and loving myself, and this became one of the core lessons of my journey so far. I dedicated myself to finding the truth that I was indeed valuable and able to be loved. 

I admit that releasing my false Twin Flame was a challenge, it too longer than I'd like to admit. (That’s another story.) However, my journey taught me that I am lovable and that love is real at its core. The inner work I did with Twin Flames Universe showed me the potential to be kinder and more loving to myself, which I hadn't fully grasped before. I learned I was worth more than the side-lined treatment I used to accept. This shift in self-perception led to actually releasing the false Twin Flame as I realized, he was no longer interested in being around me when I actually just….loved myself. 

This shift in self-perception also led to having healthy boundaries and authentic expression. I realized that my friends and potential Twin Flame partner were not my sources of validation and love. This revelation resulted in healthier relationships and allowed me to live authentically without people-pleasing. I had long characterized myself as a social chameleon, but really I was just subtly shifting myself to fit each different group. Now, I live authentically, as my true self, without compartmentalizing. I don’t waste energy living as anything other than myself. 

Another transformative aspect of my journey was healing my relationship with my father. The feeling about which I had numbed and pushed away. Recognizing how those feelings influenced my life was the first step in repairing our connection. We have since had more honest and peaceful interactions to build a foundation on. 

I also uncovered a hidden fear of money that made me uncomfortable my whole life. Twin Flames Universe taught me the importance of managing my finances healthily. This means I am in the process of  breaking generational patterns of poverty in my family. Rather than living from a place of fear about money, I am on the path to feeling actually abundant and empowered. 

Furthermore, I had the chance to explore my life's purpose. I dreamt of a purpose that involved positively impacting the world and loving people. When I first found Twin Flames Universe, I was on the path of my Life Purpose. I was just living it by studying the field of sustainability - how we can keep people, planet, and profit thriving simultaneously. I love sustainability, it’s beautiful. But there were other parts of my soul calling for my attention and for me to explore!  My journey led me to live my purpose in two unique ways! 1. Becoming a Twin FlameAscension coach where I get to guide people in unconditionally loving themselves! I have always been a spiritual seeker at heart so I have really found a true fit in this profession. Nothing fills me up more than this.  2. Being a teacher! While I won’t be a teacher forever (different post), there are key things my soul needed to explore here. I have received so much healing from it and I know continuing to advocate and work in child care in some capacity will continue to be part of life’s work.

Finally, my journey taught me the value of surrendering to the divine plan and being confident in myself while I do so. Releasing my false Twin Flame took time. And yes, after a lot of self-love I am now exploring a connection with someone as my Twin Flame. This part of me is still very vulnerable and in a private place of my heart while I take the journey of getting really clear on who this person truly is to me. But my gosh, it feels like a miracle to do that from a place of peace. When I first started this journey, I moved from a place of lack to try to “get” my false twin flame. Now it just feels really beautiful to know that however this “new” connection plays out,  I love myself completely, regardless of the outcome, and because of that I have peace. 

I'm incredibly grateful to be part of this community and experience this journey with all of you. If you've made it this far in my post, thank you for reading. There are many details I could share, and I'd be happy to answer any questions. I wish you all the best on your journey and


Why Does The Universe Bring Twin Flames Together?


Twin Flames: Walking Through Your Cave of Fear And Why It Might Be Worth It.