Why Does The Universe Bring Twin Flames Together?

The very short answer is because the heart, the nature, of the Universe is love.

Twin Flames are the manifestation of God’s (the Universe, the Divine’s) love for you.

A Deeper Answer:

You are always One at the core with your Twin Flame. There’s nothing bringing you together. You already are. You share One consciousness. Every choice you make intimately and immediately is felt by the other. You don’t control each other with your choices. You move simultaneously with each other through your CORE choices. In this way, you are always together. Your physical togetherness is just a complete acceptance of this truth.

A Deeper Answer (again): 

Your Twin Flame didn’t land in your life by accident. You didn’t come to the journey by accident. Some part of you called them in. Maybe your heart was looking for your forever person, a perfect partner, or a best friend….but that desire called them in. Your choice is powerful. And you can choose to continue to go deeper with your Twin Flame or walk away.

Another short answer:
You come together because you are meant to. Your most natural state of being (your Divine self) is with your Twin Flame. 


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