False Twin Flame Red Flags I Was Blind To... That May Help You Too.

Fair Disclaimer: All of these signs were big, glaring red flags from the Universe. But I was completely blind to them… and you might be too. And that’s okay because at the end of the day, you’re going to figure them out. I did. By the end of this article, you’ll know that in your heart too.

1. He was not interested in spending time together.

On some level, I always felt like a friend whom he spent polite, obligatory time with. There’s a difference between the person who adores you and your company and loves to just enjoy your presence… and the person who is just there for the attention you’re willing to give them.

2. He didn’t have an actual interest in going emotionally deeper with me. Like he was hiding all the real parts of himself from me.

I always wanted to get to know him more deeply. When I asked, I got short answers, brief, bare minimum, surface-level responses. But they were enough to keep me digging. I was going deeper with myself, really getting to know myself, but when I tried to share that with him… it was like hitting a wall. There was nowhere for us to authentically go together.

A Quick Interlude:

Now you might be thinking…

“Susie, these are just two very obvious signs that someone is not that into you.”

And you would be right in thinking that. That is partially the point.

There are two other things to be abundantly clear on:

A.) If you are on the Twin Flame Journey, the very real call of your True Twin Flame is driving you to pursue love unconditionally. It’s driving you to seek love and get abundantly clear on the very truth of your connection with someone. You will - I did - pursue/explore this person as my Twin Flame until it was just so incredibly obvious that they were indeed… not my Twin Flame.

B.) Whatever you experience with a False Twin Flame are just “blocks” to your True Twin Flame. Meaning you will have to spiritually conquer these experiences through unconditional self-love.

For example:

- Every time I felt denied/rejected by my False Twin Flame, I had to love myself in the place I felt denied.

- Every time I felt unloved or blocked by my False Twin Flame, I had to love myself deeply there. I had to recognize I am the one who loves me; no one can do that for me.

I did these things in the complete, 100% belief that he was my Twin Flame. Remember my earlier statement - I was blind to these red flags.

And we are edging ever-closer to why and how that didn’t matter.

3. He - as an individual - was not actually interested in my growth. He would rather have the person I was.

True Twin Flames are always interested in each other’s spiritual maturity. That’s their purpose together - ascension through Love. This man was more interested in how high I was willing to get with him than any of the inner work I did to actually develop myself as an individual.

In fact, when I started doing true inner work… well… that’s #4.

A soulmate/karmic/whatever — may only love one or a few versions of you. They simply are not made to develop and love with you in all of your infinite permutations throughout the universe. Only your Twin Flame does that… because they are One with you. Your Twin Flame will always love you more deeply as you continue to develop and uncover more of your true self.

Leading us straight to… The BIGGEST RED FLAG

4. As soon as I started doing true inner work (some may call it “shadow work”), this man took a HARD LEFT TURN in the opposite direction of me.

True inner work is taking a completely honest look at yourself and your experience. True inner work is claiming both responsibility and power in your life. True inner work looks at all those inner places of hurt, darkness, or fear and brings complete forgiveness, compassion, and love. True inner work is a MAGNET for your True Twin Flame.

True inner work will have a net-zero impact on your False Twin Flame at the end of the day.

True inner work asks you to do this: https://medium.com/@susiepuga/twin-flames-walking-through-your-cave-of-fear-and-why-it-might-be-worth-it-df905c192bdf 

True inner work is why it was completely safe for me to be 100% blind to all the other red flags. This final, key action I took of bringing deep unconditional love to every level of my consciousness is what revealed him as a False Twin Flame.

I didn’t have to understand the signs because as long as I persisted in loving myself, the final reveal of the truth was inevitable.

Love reveals the truth every time.

It’s not always easy to see the truth when you are in the thick of your journey. At the end of the day, loving yourself reveals the truth of who your Twin Flame is completely. And you have 100% control over loving yourself unconditionally. So it is 100% safe to explore whoever you’re guided to. Because no matter what, love wins, and love will bring you the truth.

Note that these signs and more in comprehensive definitions are all given in Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover by Jeff and Shaleia Divine. This is how I personally experienced the signs of a False Twin Flame on my journey - each of my experiences were easily described by the list items in Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover.


Why I Chose My Twin Flame Over a Soulmate


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