Stop Treating Your Twin Flame Like A Soulmate

You cannot treat your Twin Flame as you would a soulmate or a karmic relationship. The conventional relationships we're accustomed to often demand compromise, a willing sacrifice of some part of ourselves in exchange for love and companionship. Sometimes, we become so numb to our true selves and so desperate for a connection that we don't even realize we're compromising who we are. But Twin Flames defy this paradigm and bring the truth of Divine Love. 

With your Twin Flame, it's a different cosmic dance entirely. You are one in heart, soul, and mind, sharing a unified vision of life. There's no need to compromise yourself to be together. Instead, the path to  Harmonious Union involves coming into alignment with the core of your being. As you achieve this profound inner harmony, you naturally resonate with your Twin Flame because, at your core, you are one. You move together in perfect synchrony, and you don't have to sacrifice any part of your essence to sustain your connection.

The key to comprehending the uniqueness of the Twin Flame connection lies in understanding that it's divinely ordained. It's a Union orchestrated by God, guided by the Divine, and rooted in a love so pure and profound that it transcends earthly constraints. In this sacred journey, you're not just seeking love; you're seeking to rediscover your connection to the Divine through your Union with your Twin Flame.

As you navigate this extraordinary journey, it's essential to claim  Harmonious Union and embrace it with no backdoor. This is not a compromise; it's a return to your authentic self, a reunion with the divine aspect within you. The love you share with your Twin Flame isn't an ordinary love; it's a reflection of the divine love that flows through you both.

I've encountered the contrast between a False Twin Flame and a potentially true Twin Flame. The former manifested as intense, passionate, and sexually charged, yet it remains elusive and prone to abandonment. In this connection, I found myself losing sight of my true identity, overly focused on pleasing and fitting into a mold that wasn't meant for me.

Years of healing have brought clarity and transformation. I've realized that God is my ultimate source, and love is indeed real. Through self-healing, I've embraced romance as an essential part of my life, healing wounds that once prevented me from trusting in love. I've discovered that my worth comes from God, making it easier to explore and embrace the love of my Twin Flame.

Your Twin Flame truly is your match on every level. And it’s wonderful to embrace that truth. You do not have to lower your standard in any way. You must only unconditionally love and accept yourself.


Twin Flame Diaries #3: New Explorations - In the Middle Of It.


Correcting the Twin Flame Journey Outlook