The Labor Of The Twin Flame Journey

Look, we can't get around it. When you call in your Twin Flame, you are calling in ALL OF YOU (because, as we may know, we are one with our Twin Flame). This means we cannot escape the fact that we have to love ALL of ourselves. It involves embarking on the often challenging emotional journey of exploring parts of ourselves we were numbed out to, ignored, avoided, or hid because we thought we could not love them or that going there felt too scary.

But you MUST go there. You MUST be willing to prioritize love above all else, and that's precisely what Jeff and Shaleia mean when they ask you to commit to love above all else.

Getting our Twin Flame doesn't come from dropping chocolates at their door every day or texting them Happy Birthday. It's about building a relationship with them from the inside out, starting with the journey of deeply loving ourselves. That is how we construct a Harmonious Union that is strong, sustainable, and permanent.

This may sound harder than you thought. It may be more than what you initially signed up for. You might even wonder if it would be easier to be with any other person. Perhaps it seems so in the short-term, but not in the long term. There will always be a part of you aware that something is not completely fulfilling, right, or peaceful about your situation. Only being with your Twin Flame and unconditionally loving ALL of yourself (two things that aren't separate) will actually give you the deep eternal peace your soul craves.

So, are you willing to do the actual work to make it happen?


Mirror Work and Book Characters


Your Life Purpose and Your Twin Flame Journey