There are 144000 Twin Flames Who Perpetuate Separation Consciousness

An unfortunate product of the Spiritual Movement is the hideous and disingenuous ways the ego, evil, and separation—pick your own label as you will—worm their way into consciousness under the guise of spirituality.

We will get to Twin Flames—just give me a second.

All over the internet, there are narratives of heroic, specially chosen ones who will bring the Earth into a new era or spiritual vibration. Now there is some truth here—as in most things—however obscured or warped it may be. There are people who walk a path first; leadership is a necessity for any change.

We want a loving, high-vibrational Earth? Well, someone has to take the first step there.

These narratives become problematic when they begin to create and feed an aura of specialness. Any true seeker of Love, God, Source, Truth—pick your own label as you will—will cite humility as a key. They will have an innate recognition of the divinity in every human! This divinity is the Love we—you—all hold within.

Will some people recognize that first?


Does recognizing that first make you better than anyone else?

Absolutely not!

Does it make you capable of a more special, unconditional love than others?

Again, absolutely not!

Now back to Twin Flames.

This narrative about 144,000 Twin Flames that are specially created, the original souls, or some other form of unique are here. Some claim the story had biblical origins. Some claim 144,000 is a special frequency. Some claim they are the only Twin Flames in existence. Most claim their purpose is to bring a higher vibration of Love to Earth.

This, unfortunately, is a very counterproductive narrative.

Twin Flames are actually very natural, simple, and sacred. Twin Flames are God—or Source's—love for you manifested in another. They reflect the Universe's love for you perfectly. They are One with you, just as you are One with Source. Everyone is One with Source. Everyone is one with Love. Everyone has a Divine Counterpart—a Twin Flame who is One with them and reflects this truth to them.

The 144,000 Twin Flames is a myth—a lie of ego—that has wormed its way into spiritual communities to drive narratives that the sacred, unconditional, and unspeakably perfect love between Twin Flames is only for a few.

The 144,000 myth is specifically counterproductive to the overall goal of unconditional love in these ways:

1. It promotes specialness. Reading "A Course In Miracles" will give you a good deep dive into this concept spiritually. Essentially, uniqueness is Divine. You have a unique expression. Specialness communicates an inequality of worth, value, or love between different souls. You can tell someone is hooked on specialness when you offer them a loving truth that recognizes divinity in everyone and they immediately respond with defensiveness or condescension.

2. It is ungrounded and isolating. You're wrapped in stories of being part of a special club instead of living and loving in your everyday life. Living a healthy life means you need to exist in your lower chakras too.

3. It's distracting you from your actual Twin Flame journey. The goal of the Twin Flame Journey—as you decide to walk it—is Ascension with your Twin Flame. You get to be with your Twin Flame by unconditionally loving ALL of yourself. Unconditionally Loving is the act of ascension. This takes WORK. If you're focused on whatever fables the 144,000 are going to fulfill...or worse...trying to figure out if you're part of the club... You are wasting your energy instead of doing what really matters—loving.

4. Its underlying communication (even if the people doing such are not fully aware of it) is that Unconditional Love is out of reach, predestined. This is not true. Unconditional Love is within.

Is everyone going to take the Twin Flame Journey as their path of ascension? No. There are other ways to ascend. Take Yogananda, for instance!

However, everyone does have a Twin Flame. Everyone does have that door available to walk through. Walking through that door is meant to be a loving, grounded process. Not one shrouded in a mysterious mission for which you must constantly check in with the upper realms and be a sacrificial lamb for the oh-so-painful Twin Flame Journey.


LOVE IS REAL. And if Love is real, it's real for everyone. This is the lesson of Twin Flame - Love. Anything else is hogwash keeping you from your good...and it's safe to let it go.


Twin Flames - The Path May Be Unpredictable But The Outcome Isn’t


Twin Flames Are Not An Exucuse For Toxic Relationships