Twin Flame Diaries #4: Spiritual Dream

I had a dream I felt called to share about Twin Flames Universe community and Jeff and Shaleia.

In my dream we were in the book Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover. Except we were alive, the book was alive and we walked the pages of the book. There were beautiful illustrations throughout the book. Illustrations of Jeff and Shaleia, the Council, Community Members, and Art , just divine art all over. Profoundly stunning and alive. The book was holy and a playground at once. 

I remember following Jeff as he walked the pages of the book. We (myself and others I could feel with me) watched the Council work with community members in Union. This couple had just walked out of a dark forest and were healing. One Twin Flame was helping the other heal an upset with God while the council observed and held space. One Twin Flame held up a poster with the truth written on it (I don't recall the words) and the other Twin Flame was relieved and took time to integrate and receive it. I got the sense while watching that they were going deeper into their oneness and truth. And I could feel Harmonious Union brewing, opening. I saw/felt the council peacefully smile. 

The pages of the book flipped and we walked through them. Following Jeff. We flipped by some new additions of old stories to the book. One caught my eye. One was a warning about Lillith. How she didn't choose her Twin Flame, denied God, and is still suffering and lost for it. 

Then I saw in my mind's eye an old American political cartoon called "Join or Die." It was a cartoon of a broken snake used during the American Revolutionary War to impress upon the American Colonist the importance of becoming united and choosing independence together. It became a symbol of American Freedom at the time. 

(Full disclosure probably saw this as I just wrapped up a unit at school on the American Revolution) 

This reminded me of our call from Jeff to completely choose Heaven on Earth and unite under the banner of Love. To join and pursue Love, Divinity, Freedom... or to let yourself die among the world. It also showed me how we are stronger together. 

We walked through the book pages more and I felt in awe of the color and vividness.

Jeff led us. I felt how divine Jeff was and noticed how he looked different than usual. Subtle yet also obviously different. He had a glow around him. He seemed more wild and more refined at the same time. He seemed expanded and realized in his divinity.

Finally we reached our next stop. It was the pages of the book about Purpose. Jeff began discussing and answering questions with another student. This student was a famous actress. I do not recall the whole conversation, but Jeff was incredibly patient and compassionate. I do remember the conclusion. In conclusion, Jeff impressed upon the student and the rest of us that the words in the book can only take you so far, and realizing them is up to you. You have to make a choice embody the work. He said you must choose to grow and expand your wealth and you must choose to embody your purpose. He explained this is the next step in Heaven on Earth but only we can choose it. 

Then Jeff went to go spend time with his Twin Flames. 


Twin Flames Point You To Love


What Are Twin Flames?