Twin Flames Point You To Love

I think deep down, most people believe in Love. To varying degrees, I think most people also don’t believe in Love.

Here is the deal. One The Twin Flame Journey, you are called to completely embrace the fact that Love is real. This doesn’t just mean that you emotionally recognize the feeling of Love for yourself and your Twin Flame. It means you give your power to Love over fear. It means you are willing to go to all the places within you holding on to fear or resisting Love…..and bring Love there.

This is key to your Twin Flame Journey because your Twin Flame is built to be the most clear, potent reflection of God’s Love for you. Now let’s establish a few things:

  1. God’s Love for your first emerges from within. 

  2. You are one with your Twin Flame. 

  3. If you resist God’s Love within. 

  4. Your Twin Flame, who is ONE with you, will resist “giving” you Love. 

  5. You, who is not completely open to God’s Love, will be resistant to receiving your Twin Flame’s Love. 

Any part of you accepting fear or suffering as the ultimate truth of your reality, will suddenly gain a spotlight as you're pursuing your Twin Flame. This is because the Twin Flame Ascension Journey is a journey of Divine Love. And Divine Love (really the only Love) knows peace is the Truth and ultimately moves towards peace. Fear and misery is not peace. So any part of you succumbing to that as your reality is called forth to be healed. Your Twin Flame’s beingness brings this up for you to heal. 

It will become so subtle. As you commit to your Twin Flame Journey and your healing you will find subtle places where fear has seeped into your consciousness that are now asking to be Loved and healed. You always have the power to Love here. And you must commit to choosing Love over fear. 

Your Twin Flame is always pointing you back to the truth of Love. The price of your Harmonious Twin Flame Union is your fear. 


Twin Flames - What You Can't Avoid


Twin Flame Diaries #4: Spiritual Dream