The Awakened Twin Flame Is Upholding Separation

The awakened Twin Flame is a common trope that you hear occurring on the Twin Flame Journey. People usually describe the awakened Twin Flame as the one who is aware of the Twin Flame journey and is more spiritually inclined. However, the underlying communication of this trope, and sometimes blatant communication of this trope, is that the awakened Twin Flame is somehow more spiritually advanced and is waiting for the other Twin Flame to wake up and catch up. This is a myth; it is a lie. Twin Flames are one at the core. You are learning the same core lessons, growing together, and are a perfect vibrational match for each other. None of you is more advanced than the other.

Now, one of you may be consciously working on your Twin Flame Journey, but that doesn't mean the other one is completely ignorant to the lessons, love, and transformation of the Twin Flame Journey. You both have the same core awareness and understanding. When you recognize that you are One at the core with your Twin Flame, your Twin Flame does too. It's simultaneous because you're One. It's not a cause-and-effect situation where you do a lot of spiritual work, and the effect is your Twin Flame behaving the way you want them to. It's a simultaneous phenomenon. As you choose, so do they because you're One. So, you never have to worry about them. You only need to concern yourself with where YOU are at. 

The really problematic aspect of this awakened Twin Flame narrative is it actually keeps you in separation. It leads you to believe that your Twin Flame can choose and exist separately from you, that there is something inherently not One between you and your Twin Flame. It perpetuates specialness and ego, suggesting that one of you is more "awakened" or “advanced”  than the other. It's a lie, and it's nefarious because it keeps you in separation. Acknowledging that you and your Twin Flame are one will propel you into experiencing union in the physical. You are already in union at the core, but you're releasing blocks to experiencing this truth.

“The Awakened Twin Flame” narrative also keeps many people focused on the external and focused on their Twin Flame. It’s a vehicle for control which is the opposite of Love and surrender. The real progress on your Twin Flame journey happens when you dare to look within and love yourself unconditionally in ALL of the places where you experience not-love - resentment, overwhelm, fear, anxiousness, abandonment, rejection, and nonacceptance. The Awakened Twin Flame excuse is a tool of separation because it gives you an excuse to avoid looking within and healing the uncomfortable parts of your consciousness calling for unconditional love. When you stop waiting for your Twin Flame to “awaken” you open the door to actual results, progress, and true love on your journey. 

Now, some of you may be thinking, "My Twin Flame is a jerk, and they suck. I don't see how they can possibly be as spiritually advanced as I am." This is the part where you have to humble yourself to what the mirror is showing you. If your Twin Flame consistently abandons and rejects you, then that means there's a place within you that consistently abandons or rejects yourself. It doesn't mean you're a bad person, or that your Twin Flame is bad, or that you are vibrationally lower than anyone else. It just means there's a part of you holding onto this pattern of abandonment and rejection that needs healing, and your Twin Flame is showing you this because that is your next step – to heal this pattern. Just because they're with a third party or choosing not to be with you doesn't mean they're unawakened. They are awakened and are experiencing that awakening in the way that is perfect for them. You are one at the core, but you have two unique expressions of that oneness, and those unique expressions are always perfectly complementary to each other.

Remember, as you move forward on this journey, there is nobody who is more awakened, more advanced, or better in any way than each other. You are always a perfect vibrational match for each other. So, when you see the story, the narrative that there's one awakened Twin Flame, it's safe to let go of that lie and choose union at the core by acknowledging and being secure in the knowledge that you and your Twin Flame are one and cannot choose separately from each other. You are Love and Union at the core. 


The Trick To False Twin Flames


Twin Flames - What You Can't Avoid