The Trick To False Twin Flames

I cannot tell you if they are a false Twin Flame or not. 

Neither can your local psychic. 

Nor your online card reader. 

And no, not even your Twin Flame ascension coach. 

The reason you're probably wondering if they are a false Twin Flame is you continue to experience the unpleasantness of rejection and abandonment with them, and you're upset by it. 

Now, here's the kicker. If you are upset by this person's behavior, this person who is a potential false Twin Flame, you still have to heal the root of the hurt they are triggering in you. 

So, if you're upset and frustrated because you're experiencing abandonment from this person, then you need to go within and love the part of you that's been abandoning yourself to some degree. If you're upset because this person is rejecting you, then it's the same thing; you have to go within and love the part of you that's been rejecting yourself to some degree. And here's the thing, if you're triggered by it, that means there is a pattern of it within you. You are only triggered by the things you have accepted as a reality within. Even if you drop this person and move on to the next potential Twin Flame candidate, they will continue to trigger that place within you until it's healed. 

Your false Twin Flame is a false Twin Flame because they act like your Twin Flame in the idea that they mirror your misalignments with love to you. If you drop this person and find your real Twin Flame, the true Twin Flame will continue to mirror that place to you that has a hurt around love. When you heal this hurt or frustration that your false or real Twin Flame is bringing up at the core, then you will have the clarity as to whether they are a false or real Twin Flame.

Clarity, however, arises only in peace. Peace comes from healing and finding the truth of Love at the very core of you. 

So, all of this is really to say that the only way to truly reveal a false Twin Flame is to heal all of the triggers they bring up for you. If they are a false Twin Flame, there will come a day you feel true deep peace within you. You will look at them and realize how incongruent they are with you, your choices, and your life. You will feel peaceful about releasing them completely. Then you have opened the door to your true Twin Flame.

Do not take this to mean that your false Twin Flame is in any way slowing you down. In fact, a false Twin Flame brings you further along your journey to your true Twin Flame. Often, people call in a false Twin Flame when they want to speed up the journey and be with their one true love, the real Twin Flame. The purpose of the false Twin Flame is to help you heal your misalignments and your incorrect beliefs about yourself and about love.

So, if you suspect you are in a false Twin Flame relationship, don't get scared. Keep your center and heal what they bring up for you.

You may be wondering how to heal these things. The best way is a tool called the Mirror Exercise, developed by Jeff and Shaleia Divine, specifically to heal any upset in your reality, and it is especially potent in healing separation between you and your Twin Flame. 

If you want one-on-one support in your healing process, I'm more than happy to guide you to true unconditional Divine Love. 

“Love is real and Love always wins.”
-Jeff and Shaleia Divine 


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